On Friday April 19th, First Baptist Portland is excited to host Secret Church 2024! This event is open to the community as we join David Platt for an intensive Bible study in the book of Ruth. Why Ruth? Ruth has all the elements of a love story. Tragedy. Loss. Despair. Hope. Triumph. Loyalty. Romance. But it’s more than just a love story. It’s an epic story within a story. It’s a story not just about Ruth, but about all of us and a world that’s in need of redemption. As we study, we’ll be reminded that our lives, no matter how ordinary, are a bigger part of God’s plan.

In addition to our time of Bible study, we will also learn about and pray for the persecuted church in North Korea and pray for God’s persecuted people around the world. Why North Korea? North Korea is considered by many to be the most hostile-to-Christians country in the world. Throughout this night, we will learn more of how God is at work in this country and together we will pray and support our brothers and sisters in North Korea, Cambodia, Indonesia and other persecuted places.

The cost is $10 per person.

We will open our doors at 5:00 p.m. and the live stream will begin at 6:00 p.m.

If you’d like to learn more about Secret Church 2024, please visit the Radical website at

If you have any questions, please contact David Hayes at