10 Reasons to Encourage One Another

Encouragement is essential to the Christian life. As believers, we are not meant to walk through the challenges of life alone; rather, we are called to uplift and build one another up in our walk with Christ. Encouragement is a means by which we grow spiritually and ensures we are not swayed by the deceitfulness of sin (Heb 3:13). This mutual uplifting is not only about comforting each other but is about pointing each other towards God and His promises, especially as the end draws near (Heb 10:25).

Here are ten reasons why we should actively encourage one another in our faith:

  1. Encouragement prevents spiritual hardness. Hebrews 3:13 warns believers to encourage each other daily to prevent being hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Encouragement can act as a softening agent, keeping our hearts receptive to God's teachings. By maintaining consistent fellowship and sharing personal challenges and victories, we keep our hearts tender and open to God’s correction and guidance. Encouraging someone naturally creates a spiritual support system that makes it difficult for sin to take root unnoticed.

  2. Encouragement builds spiritual maturity. As believers grow in their faith, encouragement plays a crucial role in fostering spiritual maturity as described in Ephesians 4:15, where speaking the truth in love helps us to grow in every way into Christ. Encouragement isn't just about saying nice things; it's also about challenging each other to live out biblical truths. It fosters sanctification. When we engage in conversations that sharpen our understanding and application of Scripture, we mature in our ability to handle life's complexities with godly wisdom, and we are conformed to the Word, not the world.

  3. Encouragement fosters unity. Encouragement is pivotal in fostering unity within the church, as it is a direct application of Romans 15:5-6, which calls us to live in harmony with one another. By actively encouraging one another, we focus on common goals and shared beliefs, minimizing divisions. This unity is especially important when the church faces external pressures or internal conflicts. Acts of encouragement can bridge differences and bring members together, reinforcing the bond of peace that holds the church together. It’s hard to dislike or harbor bitterness against someone you are encouraging.

  4. Encouragement increases resilience. Facing trials is a fundamental part of the Christian life, and encouragement is key to developing resilience, as reflected in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, where God comforts us so we can comfort others. When we remind each other of God’s past faithfulness during difficult times, it strengthens our resolve to trust in Him despite current circumstances. It is precisely in those difficult times when we need reminded the most of who God is, what He has done, and what He is capable of.

  5. Encouragement cultivates peace. Philippians 4:6-7 highlights the peace that surpasses understanding, which we are to cultivate through prayer and thanksgiving. Encouragement can direct our focus towards these practices, which in turn reduces anxiety and increases peace within us and those we are encouraging. When we remind each other of God's sovereignty and His care in our lives, it alleviates worry and cultivates a deep sense of peace that can withstand whatever situation we face.

  6. Encouragement enhances worship. Corporate worship is enhanced when believers come together in a spirit of mutual encouragement, as seen in Colossians 3:16, where teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs uplifts the congregation. Encouragement before and during worship settings prepares our hearts to receive and respond to God in a more unified and profound way, making worship a richer and more impactful experience. When we sing the truths of Scripture, we are also encouraging one another by loudly proclaiming those truths.

  7. Encouragement promotes accountability. Encouraging one another also involves promoting accountability in living out our faith, aligning with James 5:16 where confessing sins to one another leads to healing. By regularly being open about our lives and holding each other accountable to biblical standards, we help prevent each other from drifting away from the ways of Christ. This form of encouragement ensures that we do not become complacent in our spiritual walk. Iron sharpens iron! (Prov 27:17) We also need encouragement that we are not under the Law, but under grace, and amidst our sin, grace abounds (Rom 5:20).

  8. Encouragement strengthens outreach. Acts of encouragement within the church empowers believers to proclaim the gospel boldly, as seen in Acts 4:29-31. A church that is encouraging provides a strong platform for its members to step out in boldness and reach others with the gospel of Christ. When you pursue outreach with another person, it reduces your fear, and knowing you have brothers and sisters praying for your proclamation and the hearer’s receptivity encourages you to know God is with you amidst your gospel proclamation. Encouragement enhances evangelism!

  9. Encouragement improves mental and emotional health. Encouragement between brothers and sisters in Christ can significantly boost mental and emotional health by creating an environment of support and love, reflecting Galatians 6:2’s command to bear one another's burdens. When members feel cared for and valued, it can alleviate feelings of isolation and despair, leading to improved overall well-being. This leads to a more joy-filled life.

  10. Encouragement prepares us for eternity. Encouragement keeps our focus on eternal realities and our future hope in Christ, grounding us in the truth of 2 Corinthians 4:18, where we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. By regularly reminding each other of our eternal destiny and the temporary nature of earthly troubles, we help each other live with a perspective that values what is eternal over the temporary, preparing our hearts and minds for Heaven. And that is the greatest encouragement through anything we face in life. Heaven awaits us.

So, encouragement matters! A lot! Who will you encourage today?


10 Practical Ideas for Gospel-Centered Encouragement


Bible-Centered in Everything