At FBC Portland, we believe the family is our first mission ground. Because of this, discipleship of children, wives and husbands’s should be intentional and consistent. We also want to be an encouragement to families as they do the difficult as well as joyful work of gospel ministry in the home. Our hope is to accomplish this by equipping parents to lead their families to: connect with God and with each other through His Word, equip the next generation and teach the importance of Gospel-centered service & mission.

By clicking on the resources below, you can discover tools to help you disciple your family with a strategy that spans infancy to adulthood.

MIDDLE SCHOOL Discipleship Resources

These resources are provided to help equip parents and guardians to disciple their children to find their joy in Jesus.

Foundations: A 260 Day Bible Reading Plan for Busy Teens - Robby & Kandy Gallaty

What is the Gospel? - Greg Gilbert

Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart - J.D. Greear

Raising the Bar - Alvin Reid

Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality - Jim Burns

A Gospel Primer - Milton Vincent

Every Young Man’s Battle: Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation - Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

Disciplines of a Godly Young Man - R. Kent Hughes & W. Carey Hughes