Membership Matters is an easy way for you to discover more about FBC Portland and how your family can be a part of our local church. During these membership sessions, you’ll discover:

  • Why membership in the local church is important.

  • The history and direction of FBC Portland.

  • The importance of worship and what this looks like at FBC Portland.

  • How to find community and grow in discipleship at First Baptist.

  • How God has uniquely gifted you and opportunities to use those gifts.

  • And, our responsibility to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our homes, community and around the globe.

Each session consists of a presentation and some meaningful questions to help you think through your own spiritual journey. These sessions [2 of them] will be provided quarterly on Sunday morning from 9:45-11:45 AM.

Register for In-Person Sessions

To register for Membership Matters, please click the links below to register for our next in-person session.

Register Here: September 2024 [Session 1: September 15th | Session 2: September 22nd]

Resources for Membership Matters

Membership Matters: Session 1 [2 Parts]

Membership Matters: Session 2 [2 Parts]